Publication in Social Networks
Last month, I (along with my co-authors, Tian Yang, Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, and Georg Stadler) had a paper accepted at Social Networks - which was in the works since 2018!
Find it here. (open access)
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
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Last month, I (along with my co-authors, Tian Yang, Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, and Georg Stadler) had a paper accepted at Social Networks - which was in the works since 2018!
Find it here. (open access)
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Alvin Zhou, Ewa Maslowska, and I are guest-editing a special issue on ``Generative AI in Computational Communication Research’’ for the journal Computational Communication Research. The special issue aims to bring together cutting-edge research that either focuses on generative AI as a communication phenomenon, or substantively uses generative AI to study communication processes. The full call for papers can be found here. Read more
1 minute read
Last month, we successfully organised an International Communication Association preconference titled “A Computational Turn in Journalism”. This hybrid day-long event, hosted by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of NUS, saw 30 presentations from scholars around the world over 3 sets of parallel sessions. We were also lucky to have two in-person keynotes by renowned experts studying the intersection of journalism and computation. See the full preconference program here. Read more
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I was invited to a workshop titled “Computing Society” held at the Institute of Sociology of Academia Sinica, Taiwan to deliver a talk about my research in particular and the future of computational social science in general. My talk was titled “Informational Asymmetries in the Production and Consumption of Digital Media” (slide deck / recording (from around 50 minutes)). Read more
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Last week, the empirical findings from my Ph.D. dissertation was published by Information, Communication & Society. In this paper, I introduce a concept called “Audience Mobility” to investigate longitudinal changes in India’s online news consumption landscape. It’s hard to find journals willing to publish research which is ostensibly about non-Western contexts, and so I’m glad that after several rejections for over 2 years, this piece found utterance at ICS. Read more