Refereed Publications
Mukerjee, S. Rethinking Audience Fragmentation Using a Theory of News Reading Publics: Online India as a Case Study . The International Journal of Press/Politics. Online first. 1-22.
Mukerjee, S, Yang, T., Stadler, G., Gonzalez-Bailon, S. What Counts as a Weak Tie? A Comparison of Filtering Techniques to Analyze Co-Exposure to News. Social Networks. 68, 386-393.
Mukerjee, S. A Systematic Comparison of Community Detection Algo-rithms for Measuring Selective Exposure in Co-exposure Networks. Scientific Reports. 11(1). 1-11.
Mukerjee, S. & Yang, T. Choosing to Avoid? A Conjoint Experimental Study to Understand Selective Exposure and Avoidance on Social Media. Political Communication. 38(3), 222-240.
- Mukerjee, S., Majo-Vazquez, S., & Gonzalez-Bailon, S. Networks of audience overlap in the consumption of digital news. Journal of Communication, 68(1), 26-50.
- Mukerjee, S.. Net neutrality, Facebook, and India’s battle to #SaveTheInternet. Communication and the Public, 1(3), 356-361.
Under Review
Mukerjee, S. Rethinking Audience Fragmentation Using a Theory of News Read-ing Publics: India as a Case Study (revise and resubmit)
Mukerjee, S., Jaidka, L., & Lelkes, Y.The Political Landscape of the U.S. Twitterverse (revise and resubmit)
Mukerjee, S. Digital News Consumption in India (under review)
Book Chapters
- Mukerjee. S. & Gonalez-Bailon, S. Social Media Data: Quantitative Analysis. In P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, A. Cernat, J.W. Sakshaug, & R.A. Williams (Eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations
Other Publications
Majo-Vazquez, S., Mukerjee, S, Ahmed Neyazi T., & Nielsen, R. K. Online Audience Engagement with Legacy and Digital-Born News Media in the 2019 Indian Elections. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism Factsheet. Media coverage.
Mukerjee, S. & Majo-Vazquez, S. During the Indian election, news audiences consumed a wide and diverse range of sources. Nieman Lab blog.
- Mukerjee, S., Majo-Vazquez, S., & Gonzalez-Bailon, S. Response to Webster and Taneja’s Response to Networks of audience overlap in the consumption of digital news Journal of Communication, 68(3), E15-E18.
- Mukerjee, S. An Open World. Linux For You (June 2012) print issue